Human Sustainability


“Human sustainability is when organisations respect human beings as free, rational and responsible, include them in policy formulation and decision-making and encourage them to build mutual respect with all persons within and beyond their organisations”

Elli Meleti, PhD

Human Sustainability for organisations

Human sustainability for organisations focuses on respect, as well as a balanced way of managing people in organisations, and deals with issues such as respect for workers, good communication and information sharing, participative decision-making, meaningful-work, decent pay. In other words, human sustainability is the “well-being” of people in organisations based on a balanced management that focuses on respect.

Elli Meleti, PhD


I consult managers in organisations and institutions to plan and design strategies and policies of human sustainability that are tailor-made for their organisations and institutions. That is always done in collaboration with managers so they can share their thoughts and views. Please feel free to email any questions and I will get in touch with you.

Elli Meleti, PhD

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